Currently residing in Williamsburg Brooklyn, I am a student studying marketing and management. I come from Iowa, and and am a former international model. I have a passion for healthy food, sweet treats, traveling, nature, workouts, and exploring New York City and all that it has to offer! 私はブルックリンのウィリアムスバーグに住んでいて、マーケティングマネージメントを勉強しています。 アイオワからインターナショナルモデルとしても活動していました。ヘルシーフード、甘いもの、旅行、自然、ニューヨークを見て回るのが大好き!
Little Choc Apothecary is a cute vegan creperie...
Found in the middle of the city, Flatiron Green...
Smorgasborg is one of the greatest food festiva...
My lovely morning trip to an amazing Colombian ...
I had the chance to enjoy the perfectly moist, ...
Here I took a trip to my favorite Swedish espre...
If you want to find quick, incredible, and high...
This family owned restaurant has been a staple ...
Eataly is a giant Italian grocery store, gelato...
S’MAC, or Sarita’s Mac N’ Cheese, specializes i...
You can find Empire Cake across from the Google...
The Bedford Cheese Shop started on the popular ...
I had the chance to enjoy the perfectly moist, ...