変幻自在な本格ダンスとカラフルポップが特徴の5人組み「TEMPURA KIDZ」。 きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅの初代ダンサーとして活躍後、動画投稿サイトにあげた”CIDER CIDER”が世界中で話題になり、2013 年3月にメジャーデビュー。2014年には国内外でのライブや取材、冠番組、自身が振付けを行い話題となった「ベネッセ キャンペーン動画」への出演など様々な所で活躍し注目を集めた。年末には世界最大のフィリピンアリーナでカウントダウンライブに出演。2015年にはキリンメッツのCMにも出演している。
I hope you can understand the beauty of this vi...
Making a gradation using three colours! Majyo l...
Wearing our favourite CAMPANELLA shirt tucked i...
TEMPURA KIDS reporting to you from one of the m...
Wearing our favourite CAMPANELLA shirt tucked i...
This room is like a tree house in a fashionable...
Today, We went to Chiang Mai, Thailand! I'v...
This is an artistic and fancy hotel! The outsid...
Once I came to Fukuoka and it's so hot here...
Once you've heard something about Thailand,...
We went out for "" last dinner""...
Today is my last day spending a time in Thailan...
I walked around inside the CENTRAL WORLD where ...
The sandwitch that is prepared in a hotel in Th...
Today, I went to "Asiatique" where host...
I introduce you my twin coordinate when I atten...
I show you about a pre MOSHI MOSHI NIPPON FESTI...
I reported a pre festival of "MOSHIMOSHI NI...
Today, I went to ROUND 1 and played baseball! I...
This time I show you how to make a Natto Kamata...